Sunday, April 30, 2006

The number one...

...sign you haven't blogged in a while: not remembering your password or username.
...reason to go out to lunch with your ex: because dining with someone so shockingly pretty and viciously charming rarely permits splitting the tab--today it meant splitting the tab AND snagging all the leftovers. Score.
...pop artist of all time: Stevie Wonder. Duh.
...reason to let ladies go first: because they might reply, "Maybe next time, I'll let you go first."
...reason to spend all of your savings on a two-month travel escapade: because of this quote, which will undoubtedly lose its magic and charm put in this context, but which still merits a good deal of consideration: So with any book on mountain ski-ing, sexual intercourse, wing shooting or any other thing which it is impossible to make come true on being always an individual experience, there comes a place in the guide book where you must say do not come back until you have ski-ed, had sexual interourse, shot quail or grouse, or been to the bulfight so that you will know what we are talking about (Hemingway, DIA).
...reason to bike to work: the hot bike messenger chick isn't gonna be able to check out your ass when you roll by if it's stuck in a bucket seat.
...tear inducing song of the moment: Album of the Year, by the Good Life--gets me every time.
...reason to clean something: because it smells.
...reason to go to Great Clips: coupons.
...reason not to go to Great Clips: my hair.
...tear inducing song of the moment: Album of the Year, by the Good Life--gets me every time. waiting in my Netflix cue: The West Wing: Season 1, Disc 3.
...thing lost in the past six months and regained in the past 24 hours: the unbelievably cocky certainty that I am smarter than nearly everyone.

1 comment:

Mike Orcutt said...

nearly is the key word