Today was all about disruptive technologies. Not the Clayton Christensen kind. Rather, literal gadgets and gizmos (technologies) that distracted (disrupted) me from whatever I was "supposed" to be doing today (in this case, watching the Superbowl, which I failed to do). Instead of joining my fellow Yankee's in watching football today, I mussed about and "achieved" the following:
1. I twittered. Or tweeted. Whatever you call it--I'm there.
3. I read some software development blogs, including this one, which lead me to this post which I trumpet as a defense of my pseudo-coding approach to "software"
4. I futzed with my iphone, most disruptive of all technologies (in every sense).
5. I authored a blog post.
Tomorrow, I may use my favorite browser to suss out how I might use my iphone to compose and post blog entries and auto-tweet the posts. If you know how to do that, twitter me, so I have more than one follower.